Scaricare TextCompare

Scaricare TextCompare per Windows, Linux o Mac

Scegliete il download in base al vostro os.

Rilevato: linux

TextCompare è disponibile anche come applicazione PWA sui browser desktop supportati (cercate l'icona di installazione nella barra degli indirizzi).

or Download from Microsoft Store (aggiornamento meno frequente)

How to use on Windows?

Mark the file as safe on download and accept prompt to keep the executable. Then install to start using.

How to use on Linux?
  1. Right-click the file and click Properties.
  2. Go to the permissions tab and check `Allow executing file as program`.
  3. Double-click to open and start using TextCompare.
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© TextCompare 2025.
    Version: 3.12.0